RPG Rating  2 3 2

Welcome to the USS Tomcat NCC 62114 Akira Class Sub-type



Please read the Sims Restricted Characters Policy before applying for a position, the link is right of main page


If we do not live another day, then say this over our Pyre:
We died like Rifles with our Faces to the Fire




The origins of the 95th Rifles Regiment was the 1800s AD before the Napoleonic Wars of that time, they were the first Regiment to sport Green Uniforms and thus became known as the Green Jackets. Back then they used the Baker Rifle and as time went on they were merged with other regiments the name 95th was all but relegated to the history books and their Regimental Colours and standards were cased the 95th Rifles were also the only known 19th Century British Regiment to use the White Cord rating. Around 2388 a then Commander had an idea, shortly after she transferred to SFMC and upon making Colonel she re-christened the 95th Rifle Regiment, while currently not as big as its forebearer the revitalized 95th is building to Regimental level, currently, they are known just as the 95th Rifles, all the marines on the USS Tomcat are 95th Rifles, but as they are Captain Somers project they will leave the ship when she does.

The USS Tomcat is an Akira Class ship, with a slight difference, while its armaments and defences remain standard to some extent its evacuation capacity has been lowered to account for the extra fighter squadrons and Marines. The ship is commanded by an EX-Marine former Colonel turned Fleet Officer Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers, her missions are different from other standard missions due to the load-out and set-up of her crew and equipment.

So come join the Tomcat Crew as they head out to the less explored regions of Federation Space in an attempt to stop the Hostile and Rogue Intelligence Agencies and other undesirables on the fringes of known space.


Latest News Items

» Tomcat Awards Announcement For 2023

Posted on 26 Jan 2024 @ 7:10pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt in Sim Announcement

Greetings All

Recently we had an awards Ceremony honouring those who took part in it so below are the Awards and Awardees, the awards will cover OOC First then the IC Award next, so a big congratulations to all those who got the awards.

OOC = Out of Character

Character Development Award

Lt Jg Tosrol Ze
Lt Jg Faith Benson
Lt Cmdr Alexanderia Cahill
Lt Jg Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Lt Jg Paul Winchester
Ensign K'Ruuras
Lt Jg Ted Silver
Lt Lamia Arderne
Lt Leland Hawksley
1st Lt Mazal Falk
Lt Cmdr Remington Dodd

Barclay Ribbon

Lt Jg Paul Winchester
Lt Jg Faith Benson
Ensign K'Ruuras

IC = In Character awards - Automatic IC Awards

Mission Excellence/General Participation/General Operations

Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers
Lt Cmdr Remington Dodd
Lt Cmdr Alexanderia Cahill
Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Rifle Captain Mazal Falk
Lieutenant Matthew Thompson
Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Arderne
Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan
Lieutenant Paul Winchester
2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews
Lieutenant JG Margeurite "Maggie" LeFebvre
Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze
Lieutenant JG Faith Benson
Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi
Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Lieutenant JG Ted Silver
Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras
Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle
Sergeant Connor Sharpe

IC = In Character awards - Unique IC Awards

Purple Heart

Rifle Captain Patrick Jackson
Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras

Good Conduct

Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Lieutenant JG Faith Benson
Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras

Bronze Oak Leaf

Lieutenant Leland Hawksley

Silver Oak Leaf

Lt Cmdr Remington Dodd
Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan
Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Lieutenant Matthew Thompson
Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir

Ribbon of Merit

Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers
Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir
Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

Marine Honours Medal

2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews

Marine Honours Medal Silver

Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers
Rifle Captain Mazal Falk

Exemplary Service Commendation (ESC)

Lt Cmdr Remington Dodd
Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Arderne

Medical and Science Ribbon

Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

XO Merit Award

Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Arderne

CO Merit Award

Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Arderne
Lieutenant JG Ted Silver

Medal of Valour Award

Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers


Mazal Falk 1st Lieutenant to Rifle Captain
Paul Winchester Lieutenant JG to Lieutenant (Full)

White Cord of Courage/Elevated to Chosen Man

Rifle Captain Mazal Falk

Congratulations to all Awardees

Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat NCC 62114

» Length of Service to the USS Tomcat

Posted on 16 Nov 2023 @ 2:24pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers in General News


It is always a good thing to know when a Sim Commander can award their crew with Length of Service awards or any awards the members have earned and it is with great pride I announce the names of those who have done a minimum of 6 Months on the Tomcat.

Sergeant Connor Sharpe - Rifleman for Completing his 6 Month Tour Of Duty on the Tomcat Congratulations

Lieutenant Serina Donovan - CAG for making it to the 5-Year Mark Congratulations

Lieutenant JG Faith Benson - DSec/DTac for completing their 1 year Service Congratulations

Ensign Liam Backstrom - DCIO Completing 1 year Service Congratulations

Congrats to Those named.

FCapt Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat

» Tomcat Provisional Crew NO LONGER!

Posted on 28 Jul 2023 @ 1:27pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers in Sim Announcement


Over the 15 years, the Tomcat has been in operation, I have had the minimum amount to be classed as Operational, but that was back in the days when the Tomcat sim was an Independent one, and I had a huge turnover in personnel, some wanted to see what it was like others for different reasons, but they never stayed that long and over time as I gained more players I instigated the "Orientation Posts" this allowed me to assess the new player and for them to assess the sim, this came about as I had a lot of players leave during the middle of a mission.

The Orientation Post if it took place in the middle of a mission then did not hinder the main mission would not be so bad if those joining had left during the middle of Orientation as these posts do not have anything to do with any mission that may be ongoing thus no disruption to the mission, so in my many years of Command, I am always happy to make announcements such as these, for they signify the achievements of those mentioned...

So without further Ado, I am proud to announce that the following names have completed their 6-month Tour of Duty as Nuggets:

Lieutenant Junior Grade Thex sh'Zoarhi ----------------- Deputy Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Shoniara T’ghann Dex --------- Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Jg Margurite "Maggie" Febre ----------------- Chief Auxillary Pilot

Ensign Liam Bäckström -------------------------------- Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer

Ensign Drevas ----------------------------------------- Security/Tactical Officer

Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle ----------------- Security Investigations Officer

Congratulations to all those named, your bios will son have the 6 Month ToD Award up, if it has not already been done.

Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat

» November 2022 PoTM Awards

Posted on 16 Jan 2023 @ 6:01pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers in Sim Announcement

A Big Well Done to Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras and 2nd Lt Cassandra Matthews on winning the TF11 Post of The Month for November 2022, their Bios have been updated with these awards.

Well done to both of you

FCapt Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat

» Time Served on Tomcat Awards

Posted on 08 Dec 2022 @ 4:46pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt in Sim Announcement

Greetings All

I am proud to announce that sometimes served anniversaries for some crew are due, for a 6-month or 1 or 5-Year Award the bios will be updated, but those reaching a prime mark will be announced.

So without further Ado, I would like to congratulate the following on their length of Time Served on the Tomcat.

Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers 21/06/2007 15 Years 05 Months
Lt. Commander Remington Dodd 17/01/2017 05 years 11 Months
Lieutenant Serina Donovan 27/10/2018 04 Years 02 Months
Lieutenant Jg Tosrol Ze 28/02/2021 01 Years 02 Months
Lieutenant Jg Faith Benson 20/05/2022 07 Months -------------------------- 6 Month Tour of Duty Award
Ensign C'Tirr K'Ruuras 30/11/2020 02 Years
Lieutenant Jg Paul Winchester 19/10/2017 05 Years 01 Month
Lieutenant Jg Thyra Sh'shraaqir 06/02/2021 01 Years 10 Months
Lieutenant Leland Hawksley 25/09/2020 02 Years 02 Months
Lieutenant Jg Jarel Haze 30/11/2020 02 Years
Lt. Commander Alexanderia Cahill 24/06/2008 14 Years 05 Months
Lieutenant Jg Jane Sinclair 30/08/2021 01 Years 03 Months
Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Arderne 04/12/2018 04 Years
Lieutenant Matthew Thompson 22/06/2008 14 Years 05 Months
Lieutenant Jg Ted Silver 04/08/2020 02 years 04 Months
Marine Captain Patrick Jackson 16/06/2020 02 Years 05 Months
1st Lieutenant Mazal Falk 07/06/2021 01 Years 06 Months
Warrant Officer K'Muss 12/09/2021 01 Years 02 Months ----------------- 1Year Service Award

Lt Jg Benson and WO K'Muss Bios will be updated with the relevant awards, congratulations to those who have survived this long, I have not mentioned the new Crew as they have not been here one month so nothing to celebrate.

FCapt Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat NCC 62114

Latest Mission Posts

» Arrival at Star Base 51

Mission: General Sim Postings
Posted on 09 Oct 2024 @ 11:29pm by Chief Warrant Officer Glenn Stone Mr

It had taken a whole month to get to Star Base 51. Oo Note to self. Next time, pick something closer. Oo, thought Stone, sitting in the mission seat of the Runabout shuttal. Stone had been on several ships and long-range shuttles. He was starting to feel like an…

» Departmental Shift

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Posted on 09 Oct 2024 @ 11:59am by Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze


When the other two had left Tosrol remained and Jasmine tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Benson, report to the CRR if you will please, Somers out =/\= with that she closed the link and sighed "While we wait might I offer you another drink Lieutenant?" the Captain asked.…

» Terran Troubles

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Posted on 09 Oct 2024 @ 11:48am by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle


With the SI and CIO on their way Jasmine remembered someone she had left out, she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Captain Somers to Lieutenant Ze to report to the CRR immediately please =/\=

Ze had been in his office catching up on all of the things he had missed…

» Dinner Date

Mission: General Sim Postings
Posted on 07 Oct 2024 @ 7:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Ensign Autumn Cole

A chime sounded at the door of Remington's quarters on the Themistocles. The person who rang the chime was Autumn. Her auburn hair was loose and flowing, gently caressing her shoulders. She wore a dark green summer dress with a pair of matching sandals. Around her neck was a simple…

» Briefing the Marine Component...

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Posted on 07 Oct 2024 @ 7:00pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin & Captain Patrick Jackson & Captain Mazal Falk & 1st Lieutenant Gavin Ross Dr. & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang & 1st Lieutenant Jasmine Allen & Sergeant Major Bronco (Bronc) Hardway & Gunnery Sergeant Ernst Rommel


Falk had called in all the marines of the crew that she felt would be best for the situation on the surface of Arth. It was thought to have mostly female marines, but Mazal thought that there needed to be some of the males included.

Dodd had advised Falk…

Latest Personal Logs

» Up, up and away

Posted on 16 May 2024 @ 9:15pm by Captain Patrick Jackson


The heavy doors shut with a clang. The hustle and bustle of a busy Starbase now shut out of the room he occupied. The square room was black and dark, with the exception of yellow orange lines grinding the cube. Setting a duffle bag down, Patrick gave a sigh.…

» Setting Up The Office

Posted on 09 May 2024 @ 9:49pm by Lieutenant Vivian Corsair


The Themistocles was docked on the opposite side of the starbase from the Tomcat. The crews' personal affects had all been transfered to there along with the supplies for the next mission.

Vivian was set to go get her office setup to how she wanted it and to check…

» Getting back into an old idea

Posted on 15 Mar 2024 @ 2:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

- ON -

After his meeting with Captain Somers, Dodd felt a little bit of excitement as he was getting a second chance to move on an invention of his.

He got back to his quarters on the station and set up to contact the Nano Counsel of Kavisians on…

» Captain's Duty Log

Posted on 11 Feb 2024 @ 6:42pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt


"Computer Start Captain's Log"

"Captain's Log Stardate 239602.11, today I found out that my Chief Medical Officer, or rather former requested a transfer off of the Tomcat, what gurt the most was she went behind my back and never approached me first, so, as a result, I placed a…

» Strange times

Posted on 19 Jan 2024 @ 11:33am by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt

"Personal Log: Somers, Jasmine Lynne Fleet Captain and Commanding Officer USS Tomcat, for some time now the Tomcat has returned and has since been stripped both internally and externally, I walked past the dock and saw the ship's space frame peaking through the outer hull plates that were being removed…