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Wedding Announcement

Posted on 18 Mar 2024 @ 3:36pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant JG Margeurite "Maggie" LeFebvre & 2nd Lieutenant Sabrina 'Bri' Velazquez & Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle

1,580 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB 51 Lounge
Timeline: Just before the party winds down


Finally finding Cmdr Sharpe and putting the question to him about announcing their wedding, Serina waited patiently for him to answer her. Praying silently, she hoped that he would do the honours since Alexandria was not there, but the woman had made Serina jump as she was indeed in the room.

Alex stood up and made a loud whistling sound...

"Attention all, as the outgoing temporary Commanding Officer of the USS Tomcat I am proud to announce the union of Lieutenants Serina Donovan and Winchester in the holographic chapel on holodeck two in two days from now the after the Ceremony Party will be in this lounge, thank you," Alex said and the room erupted in applause and smiles. She quietly said to Serina "I do not know if you know but that drink you ordered is in bay six awaiting your clearance code and do not worry about the price consider it a wedding gift" Alex added.

"Thank you, Alexandria, we appreciate it, wait .....,*just hitting her* You're leaving the Tomcat?", Serina looked at her in horror.

Looking at Serina "Yes, Fleet Captain Somers has been cleared fit for duty and she will be taking over again after your next mission, I will be spending some quality time with my two kids and husband before I ship back to earth, but I intend to remain long enough to attend your wedding" Somers said with a smile.

"Oh, that's wonderful news. I bet you are happy and after this past mission, you deserve it. However *chuckling a little* I'm gonna miss your stern voice*looks at Winchester* when you give orders", Serina said smiling.

"Well, I just found out that I'm to be a father," replied Paul who was still trying to come to terms with the news, he looked back at the Colonel as he looked back at Serina and said " And we would like you to be Godmother to our child?"

For one of the few times Alex was speechless, it took her a moment to gather her wits and composure *she looked at the pair* "I would be honoured to be so, you are a brave one Mr Winchester knowing our past but I admire bravery, but I accept" Alex said.

"Thank you, Col. Somers. I do appreciate you agreeing to be Godmother. You will make a wonderful addition to our growing family. oO Oh God! I hope she understood what I meant by family Oo", Serina said as she thought at the same time. Should she explain what she meant or just let it lie? "I hope you understood what I meant", she stumbled with the words turning red in the face.

*Trying very hard to keep a straight face* "I so wish your Fiancee got tongue-tied more, it would be funny, Serina I know what you mean I was not always a Commissioned Officer started my career as an NCO, a very young one, but I understand what you mean" Somers said with a smile breaking through.

Serina nodded in agreement just as she heard Thex telling her something and turned her attention to him briefly. It was then the abundance of congratulations began.

Paul could not believe how happy his crewmates were for him, after all, he had been a pain in the neck at times, but here he was a Lieutenant once more and now getting married and soon to be a father as well. as he took in the congratulations from those he considered extended family.

" Congratulations Serina," Thex said as she approached the pilot a happy smile on her face for her friend.

"Thank you Thex. I appreciate you in more ways than you could imagine. You're gonna have to teach me some of your dances if you would please " Serina said smiling warmly at her friend.

" I'll book a holodeck and see what I can do," Thex responded with a warm grin. She was truly happy for her friend.

"Thanks Thex. I will be there to learn those dances before I start showing a belly", Serina said. Now the congratulations started.

" I'm sure you'll do great my friend. Again congratulations." Thex said feeling happy for her friend.

"Thanks very much" replied Serena looking back at her friend, as she beamed a huge smile as she held Paul's hand tight. but she knew that things were going to be hard.

Alexi had been close enough to them to hear the conversations, both about the now impending nuptials and the news that Serina was with child. Alexi couldn't help but be shocked by the latter. Had she known when they were sent out on their mission or did she learn about it on her return? "Congratulations, Lt Donovan," She said in a surprised tone as she finally found her voice, "Oh and you too Lt Winchester. On both your marriage and your ... upcoming parenthood."

"Thank you so much for also making sure I got home from our last mission. It was a rough one", Serina said hugging her in gratitude.

Alexi nodded, somewhat surprised by the hug. oO What was it with people wanting to hug her all of a sudden? Did someone tack a 'hug me' sign on my back or something? Oo she thought as she returned the hug. "It certainly was no picnic, but if I recall, you made sure we all got home as well." She smiled over at Winchester, "I will leave you all to discuss whatever wedding things you need to with LtCol Somers and Lt Cmdr Sharpe. I wish you both the best." She gave the small group a nod and hurried off to find a less populated location. Maybe next time she'll make friends, right now, she just felt... overwhelmed.

Mazal looked over towards where Serina and Winchester were and saluted them with a drink in her hand. "Mazal tov!" she stated with a grin before she took a drink from her glass. "Congratulations!"

Hawksley sat at a table watching the announcement. He was relaxed, looking over some Engineering specs, having a drink when he overheard, as did everyone else, that the upcoming nuptials of Donovan and Winchester.

Leland shot Lilliana a look. "So it begins." He chuckled. Sitting with Thex, Hewitt, Velazquez, Machado, Sem, and Nelson. Looking at the rest of the Engineering folks, Leland smiled. "Shall we all raise our glasses for the lovely couple."

Raising his glass as most of them stood up from their table, Leland stated. "Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! To Serena and Paul!"

Lilli smiled as she nodded in agreement, raising her glass as well. "Serena and Paul!"

Sabrina had been quite delighted to be able to attend, and although she hadn't been around for long or met them much, she could tell they were going to have a good life together. She raised her glass, speaking out in Spanish, "Felicitaciones a los dos en el día de su boda. That means congratulations to both of you on your wedding day."

Standing, Serina raised her glass to those who had raised theirs.

Just as Maggie was hobbling out, she heard the announcement. She turned around, blue eyes shining. A wedding? She was BORN for this!! SHE would never marry, not so far as she planned, anyway, but she loved GOING to other people's weddings. She would give her congratulations to her two bosses tomorrow. Right now, she needed to rest her leg and figure out what to wear. Serina's pregnancy would ALSO mean more work for her, which she was excited about. She HATED being idle. "Congrats," she said, but her voice was drowned out by the others.

Serina heard Maggie's congratulations and loudly said "Thanks Maggie", smiling warmly.

The blonde pilot smiled back. "You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow!! I hope to be cleared to return," she said and ducked out quickly before anyone else could see her (and scold her for her fidgety behaviour during the awards ceremony).

Mazal raised her glass once more, finished off her drink, and looked towards Ze. "Okay let's get you back and you can get some rest for now." giving a bit of a smile.

Paul gave a nod back to the Marine and made a note of visiting to congratulate her on becoming a Chosen man, for her to get that was seen as the highest honour that a Marine could get as he remembered his Marine days as a pilot aboard the Hyperion.





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