Mission Groups
Out of Character
Out of Character Discussion
Included Missions
Out of Character Discussion
Posts: 2
OOC Stuff
Season 2 Episodes
Completed Missions
Included Missions
Season 2 Episode 1: The New Frontier
Posts: 117
The USS Tomcat is sent into unclaimed space to map an unknown Solar system in more detail.
Mission Briefing:-
After dropping off its cargo and the crewmembers that will be leaving and welcoming a new member to the crew the USS Tomcat is assigned a mission of Exploration out to as of yet an unexplored Sector outside of Federation Territory but close to the Xindi. -
S02 Episode 1 The New Frontier (Incidental)
Posts: 5
For all IC Incidental Missions -
S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Main Story)
Posts: 89
A Year or more after an aborted mission into the Hydaransz system the USS Tomcat lost a few good men and the extra marines they had with them most had been lost. However, in the end, they managed to capture a Cardassian-built Starbase they called Omega and since then they had managed to secure the outer system, which included the Deuterium Mines. There is a heavy presence of Federation Alliance members there this includes the Klingon’s. For some a return here will have a bad memory for others it will be an experience. -
S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Posts: 84
Incidental Posts -
S02 Episode 3: When Realities Collide (Main Story)
Posts: 116
The USS Tomcat and her crew find themselves in an alternate reality where the Federation is practically non-existent and Starfleet is a Shadow of its former self. The mission takes place around the Xindi system as it is the last bastion of the Federation, Donovan who came from this reality give all the crew a briefing. -
S02 Episode 3: When Realities Collide (Incidentals)
Posts: 139
Incidental Missions
i.e. side missions that are part of the mission, but not with the main part. -
S02 Episode 4: The Avian Flew the Cukoo's Nest (Main Story)
Posts: 118
The Tomcat is assigned to explore a planet that once housed a colony of the Xindi Avian Species due to some abnormal readings coming from the planet. What happens is an away team consisting of Dodd, Donovan. and at least five others (a member of the archeology team, a member of the geological team, a member of the Intelligence team, another engineer - Tjaansz, and maybe a member of security) are on the surface and somehow fall into a rupture in time and are suddenly stuck in the past of the planet and become prisoners of the Avian Xindi. And thus have to figure out how to get back home to the correct moment in time as to not disrupt history and start a war.
The Mission was created by Lieutenant Remington Dodd Chief Engineer on the USS Tomcat -
S02 Episode 4: The Avian Flew the Cukoo's Nest (Incidental Posts)
Posts: 73
Posts that are part of the mission but run parallel to it.
Season 3 Episodes
All Missions for Season 3
Included Missions
S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (Main Story)
Posts: 183
Cestus Solar system
Cestus 3 and surrounding space
Race: Orion Slavers
Other Races: Pirates
Key NPCs: Astrid Lingard - Civilian - Simmed by Winchester
Admiral Harrison - Good Admiral - Simmed by Somers
Admiral Parker - Bad Admiral - Simmed by Sterling
The Situation is that a group of girls have been kidnapped and trained as pleasure slaves by Orion women and then sold as a front for the illegal trade of weapons throughout the sector and must be stopped at all costs and also the Gorn are being used as the heavy lifting whilst the Pirates look on smiling.
Admiral Harrison gives the green light for the mission, meanwhile, Admiral Parker gets wind of this mission and tries to halt the Tomcat from leaving the base, With the Admiral following the Tomcat, it turns out that the admiral Parker is using the freighter to fund his own organisation Hades 31. An organisation dedicated to destroying the Romulan's once and for all.
S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (incidentals)
Posts: 134
for Incidentals -
S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Main Post) Galen IV Phase 1
Posts: 153
The crew encounter a new Bluegill invasion and will have to use all that is known from past encounters to combat this menace.
Limited interaction with USS Asger between ship Commanders ONLY -
S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks (Incidentals) Galen IV Phase 1
Posts: 78
The crew encounter a new Bluegill invasion and will have to use all that is known from past encounters to combat this menace. Limited interaction with USS Asger between ship Commanders ONLY -
S03 Ep 02 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Main) Phase 2
Posts: 157
Continuation of Initial Trouble in the sticks mission, this is the Second Chapter, use Trouble in the Sticks GALEN IV posts and mission brief for information. -
S03 Ep 03 Trouble in the Sticks UXSys 659842 (Incidentals) Phase 2
Posts: 131
Continuation of Initial Trouble in the sticks mission, this is the Second Chapter, use Trouble in the Sticks Galen IV posts and mission brief for information.
S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Main)
Posts: 104
Search and Rescue of Federation Captives and the Tomcat's Captain. -
S03 Ep 04 Captive State Part 1 (Incidental)
Posts: 184
See Historical Repetition & the Captivated Captain (Main) for full details -
S3 Episode 5: 95th Regimental Missions
Posts: 62
For Semi-independent Marine Operations of the Tomcat's 95th Rifles -
S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Main)
Posts: 144
A Potential Diplomatic incident when the Tal'Shiar makes their presence felt, while the Fleet crew deal with the incident the Tomcats Rifles are sent to the Hydaransz System to quell a fresh insurgency of Pirates. -
S3 Episode 5: Diplomatic Incident/Hydaransz Again (Incidentals)
Posts: 220
Linked with Main Story
Season 4 Episodes
For all Season 4 Episodes
Included Missions
S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Main)
Posts: 57
The Federation has lost contact with data-gathering efforts on a planet that the Preservers had apparently selected as a safe location for humans retrieved from Earth a long time ago. The Federation sent a team to the planet to observe the culture and civilization that has developed to learn more about the ancient cultures and societies on Ancient Earth. However, the team of observers have disappeared, and the data collection satellites have malfunctioned. When the satellite data stops, the Federation is alerted to the situation. It was a long-term mission so they could watch children grow into adults. The mission of the original observation team was to be for 15 years; however, it has now been 20 years and still no word from the team. Now the Federation has decided to send a ship to investigate. -
S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Posts: 91
Please see Description of S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Main)
This is essentially the same, except it is for Incidental posts that are part of the main mission, but not directly involved with ship b-based operations i.e. Away Missions etc. -
S04 Episode 02 The Hackers Backdoor (Main)
Posts: —
Section 31 tech gets into the wrong hands.
Things for Kelnar have not gone well. His recent deal with the Orion syndicate spectacularly fell through. Now the Ferengi fear he will be dragged before the Grand Nagus and ridiculed. For his lack of business sense. He needs a successful business deal and fast. -
S04 Episode 02 The Hackers Backdoor (Incidentals)
Posts: —
Please see details in S05 Episode 02 Backdoor (Main)
This is essentially the same, except it is for Incidental posts that are part of the main mission, but not directly involved with ship b-based operations i.e. Away Missions etc.
Season 5 Episodes
All Season 5 Missions
General Sims (Non Mission Related)
This Group is for those posts that do not relate to any of the current Mission sims that may be going at the time. So please use this Mission group for such sims.
Included Missions
General Sim Postings
Posts: 1079
For Posts that run alongside main storyline missions, but are not actually part of them, though they can coincide with events in those missions.
This is mainly for Non Mission Critical postings.
Included Mission Groups
Crew Orientation Posts ONLY
Included Missions
Orientation Posts
Posts: 65
This is for Orientation Posts ONLY