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Necessary evil (medical clearance)

Posted on 03 Sep 2024 @ 12:59am by Master Sergeant Thomas Zang & Lieutenant JG T'Kara

2,201 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Theo medbay

Thomas walked down the halls. He was still learning the layout of the ship but finding medical wasn't that hard to do. He stopped outside to adjust his uniform before he palmed the door open and stepped into medical. "I'm here to see a lieutenant T'Kara for clearance to begin fighter training and for a flight suit fitting." He called out.

T'Kara was in the midst of reviewing the latest medical reports when the doors to the medbay slid open, revealing the broad frame of Master Sergeant Thomas Zang. The Vulcan Chief Medical Officer turned her attention to the Marine, her expression as neutral and composed as ever.

"Master Sergeant Zang," T'Kara greeted him with a slight nod, acknowledging his presence. "Please, come in."

She gestured towards an empty biobed, her movements precise. "We will begin with a brief medical examination to ensure you are fit for fighter training. Following that, I will assist with the fitting and calibration of your flight suit."

As she prepared the medical tricorder, she continued, "Please take a seat on the biobed. The examination will be routine and non-invasive. If you have any specific concerns or questions, you may voice them at any time."

T'Kara's calm and methodical approach was designed to put her patients at ease, ensuring that the process would be as efficient and comfortable as possible.

"Shall we begin?" she asked, her gaze meeting his, ready to proceed with the examination.

Thomas nodded as he stepped over to the indicated biobed. He took a seat with a smile. 'Vulcan, yeah this will be routine.' He thought to himself. "Do I need my shirt on or off?" He asked aloud though.

T'Kara observed Thomas's demeanor with her usual calm expression, noting his readiness to proceed. At his question, she gave a brief nod, recognizing the necessity of a thorough examination.

"You may remove your shirt, Master Sergeant," she replied, her tone even and professional. "This will allow me to conduct a more detailed scan of your respiratory and cardiovascular systems."

She waited patiently as Thomas complied, her hands already adjusting the settings on the medical tricorder. The device emitted a soft hum as it activated, ready to perform its diagnostic functions.

Thomas pulled his shirt up over his head, the muscles on his arms and chest flexed with the movements. He sat the shirt on the biobed next to him. He had four parallel scars across his back from right shoulder halfway to his left hip. "Ready when you are Doc." He said with a smile.

T'Kara’s eyes briefly scanned the scars on Thomas’s back, noting the old wounds with clinical detachment. She had seen similar marks on many Marines, each one telling a story of battle and survival. However, her focus remained on the task at hand.

“Those scars—do they cause you any discomfort or limitations in your range of motion?” she asked, her voice steady as she began to run the tricorder over his chest and back, the device emitting a soft, rhythmic beeping as it collected data.

T'Kara’s expression remained neutral, though her tone softened slightly, a small gesture of empathy. “If there are any residual effects from your injuries, now would be the time to address them. A fighter pilot requires optimal physical conditioning.”

Thomas, having forgotten about the scar was confused for a second then shook his head. "Nah, it's a very old scar from when I was about 13. Had a run in with a mountain lion that thought I was easy prey. It learned that this prey was more dangerous than it was." He let out a chuckle.

She continued with the scan, her movements precise and methodical, ensuring that every aspect of his health was thoroughly assessed. The tricorder’s readings appeared on the nearby monitor, displaying data on his respiratory rate, heart function, and muscular health.

Once the initial scan was complete, T’Kara glanced at the readings and then back at Thomas. “Your vital signs are within normal parameters,” she noted. “Next, I will conduct a musculoskeletal scan to ensure there are no hidden issues that could affect your performance.”

She met his gaze, her expression calm but inquisitive. “If you have any questions or concerns about the examination or the fitting of the flight suit, now would be an appropriate time to discuss them.”

"Nope, I know that these are routine as I have had a medical checkup recently with Dr. Ross, the Marine doctor." Thomas said with a smile. "Where do you want me for the next scan Lieutenant?" He asked.

T'Kara nodded in acknowledgment of Thomas's statement. "Very well," she said, her tone maintaining its steady professionalism. "For the musculoskeletal scan, please remain seated on the biobed. I will need you to perform a few simple movements to assess the flexibility and strength of your muscles and joints."

She adjusted the settings on the tricorder for the musculoskeletal assessment, then turned her attention back to Thomas. "If you could extend your arms and legs as far as comfortably possible, it will help ensure that there are no hidden issues that might affect your ability to perform in the cockpit."

T'Kara’s gaze was focused and attentive as she prepared to conduct the next phase of the examination. “Feel free to let me know if you experience any discomfort during the movements. Your health and safety are my primary concern, especially as you prepare for such demanding tasks.”

Thomas extended his arms and legs as directed. He felt no pain or discomfort as he did so. He smiled as he knew he was in great shape, he stretched, ran and exercised often as well as ate a balanced diet though he did indulge in Coffee with most meals, before and after a workout as well as when he was stressed. "I feel great to be honest Lieutenant. I maintain a strict diet and workout daily to keep myself in tip top shape." He said with a grin.

T'Kara observed Thomas’s movements carefully, noting the ease with which he extended his limbs and the lack of discomfort in his expression. His confidence was clear, and the readings from the tricorder confirmed that his musculoskeletal system was in excellent condition.

"Your physical condition is commendable, Master Sergeant," T'Kara acknowledged, her tone even but with a hint of approval. "Maintaining such a regimen is essential for the demanding nature of your role. It appears that your dedication to fitness is paying off."

She completed the final adjustments on the tricorder, ensuring that the data was recorded accurately. "There are no significant issues or concerns based on these scans. Your range of motion and muscular strength are well within the optimal range for a pilot of your caliber."

T'Kara paused, her gaze meeting Thomas's. "Given your current state of health, I see no reason to delay the fitting of your flight suit. However, I would recommend continuing your current exercise and dietary regimen, with perhaps a slight reduction in coffee consumption. While it is not presently affecting your performance, excessive caffeine intake can have cumulative effects over time."

She stepped back slightly, indicating that the primary portion of the examination was complete. "If you are ready, we can proceed with the final steps. I will ensure the flight suit is fitted correctly and that all life-support systems are calibrated to your specifications. If there are any adjustments you require, now would be the time to address them."

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be I guess." Thomas said as he stood up so that she could get his measurements. "I don't know what kind of adjustments I might need to be honest. I'm going to be trained to be a gunner and not a pilot so if there are any adjustments that need to be made for that then I think those would be the ones you would need to make." He said,

T'Kara nodded as Thomas stood, her eyes scanning him with the same methodical precision she applied to her medical assessments. "Understood, Master Sergeant. The adjustments required for a gunner’s role differ slightly from those for a pilot. Gunners often require more flexibility in their suits to accommodate rapid movements and sustained focus in confined spaces."

She approached the console nearby, inputting Thomas’s measurements and preferences into the system. The display showed a holographic representation of the flight suit, which adjusted in real-time based on the data provided.

"The primary modifications I will make are to ensure the suit allows for enhanced mobility, particularly in the arms and shoulders, where gunners often need the most flexibility. Additionally, the life-support systems will be calibrated to maintain optimal comfort during prolonged periods of engagement, reducing fatigue and ensuring you can maintain focus during critical operations."

T'Kara glanced back at Thomas, her expression remaining neutral but with a subtle hint of satisfaction at the thoroughness of the process. "The adjustments are minimal but essential. Your suit will be ready shortly, and I’ll oversee the final fitting to ensure everything is as it should be."

She paused for a moment, her gaze softening slightly as she added, "If you encounter any issues or discomfort during your training, do not hesitate to return for further adjustments. Your performance is paramount, and your equipment should never be a hindrance."

With that, T'Kara finalized the input, and the fabricator began producing the custom-fitted suit. "This process should only take a few minutes. Once the suit is ready, you can try it on, and we can confirm that all systems are functioning as expected."

She stepped back, allowing Thomas the space to relax as they awaited the final product. "Thank you for your cooperation, Lieutenant. I am confident that you will find the suit both comfortable and functional for your role as a gunner."

As the fabricator completed its work, T'Kara retrieved the suit and handed it to Thomas. "Please try it on. Once you're suited up, I'll conduct a final check to ensure everything is in order."

She stood by, ready to assist with any final adjustments, her professional demeanor unchanged as she prepared to conclude the examination.

Thomas quickly changed out of his uniform and into the new flight suit that was presented to him. Once he was dressed, he stood there to allow the doc to do any checks and adjustments that might be needed.

T'Kara watched attentively as Thomas slipped into the newly fabricated flight suit, observing how the material conformed to his movements and adjusted to his physique. She approached and made minor tweaks to the fit, ensuring that the suit’s joints aligned perfectly with his own, particularly around the shoulders and elbows, critical areas for a gunner’s mobility.

"Looks like the fit is precise," she commented, her hands adeptly smoothing out any wrinkles and verifying the seals and life-support connections. "How does it feel? Any tightness or restrictions when you move?"

Thomas flexed all his joints, feeling how it moved with his own movements. He performed a couple of jumping jacks, dropped to the deck and pumped out a couple of pushups. He got to his feet and went through a series of various stretches that worked his whole body before he spoke. "It feels almost like a second skin. I know it's going to take some getting used to as I'm not used to such form fitting uniforms." He offered her an appreciative smile.

T'Kara observed Thomas's movements with a professional eye, noting the ease with which he adjusted to the new suit. His feedback confirmed that the modifications had been successful, and his movements demonstrated the suit’s functionality under physical stress.

"Excellent to hear, Master Sergeant," T'Kara responded, her tone carrying a note of satisfaction. "It's designed to feel like a second skin indeed, to ensure it doesn't inhibit your agility and responsiveness during operations. The suit's biofeedback sensors are also functioning optimally, adjusting to your movements and physiological needs."

She checked her device one last time to confirm all systems were operating within expected parameters. "The suit is performing well under all the stress tests you've just conducted. You’re fully equipped and ready for any challenges you might face in your role."

T'Kara gave a slight nod, signaling the end of the fitting session. "If you encounter any issues or require further adjustments, please don’t hesitate to return. It’s crucial that nothing distracts you from your duties."

She gestured towards the door, indicating that the session was concluded. "You're all set, Master Sergeant Thomas. Good luck with your training and future missions. Remember, this suit is now part of your toolkit in the field, designed to support not just survive."

Thomas smiled and nodded to T'Kara. "Thank you Lieutenant. I really appreciate you taking the time to check me over and get me set up for my training." He waved jovially to her as he left medical.





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