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07 May 2024 @ 11:25pm

Lieutenant JG T'Kara

Name T'Kara

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 50

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10" (1.78 meters)
Weight 132 lbs (60 kgs)
Hair Color Jet Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description T'Kara stands tall at 1.78 meters (5 feet 10 inches), her lithe figure commanding attention as she moves with the grace and poise characteristic of her Vulcan heritage. Her athletic build, honed through years of rigorous training and discipline, lends her an air of strength and resilience.

Her features are finely sculpted, with subtly pointed ears framing a face adorned with high cheekbones and a prominent brow. Dark, expressive eyes, the color of rich mahogany, gaze out from beneath elegantly arched eyebrows, betraying the depth of her intellect and the intensity of her focus.

T'Kara's jet-black hair, typically worn in the traditional Vulcan style, cascades down her back in sleek, glossy waves, a striking contrast against her pale complexion. Though her expression is often serene and composed, there is a spark of curiosity and determination that flickers behind her eyes, hinting at the inner fire that drives her relentless pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

In her demeanor, T'Kara exudes a quiet confidence and self-assurance, tempered by the disciplined control for which Vulcans are renowned. Every movement is deliberate and purposeful, every gesture imbued with a sense of precision and intent. Yet beneath the facade of stoicism lies a depth of emotion and empathy that sets her apart, a testament to her ability to balance the demands of logic with the complexities of the human (or Vulcan) experience.


Spouse Single
Children N/A
Father Savar
Mother T'Pella
Brother(s) T'Karik & Suvak
Sister(s) T'Pring
Other Family Extended Vulcan Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'Kara is a seasoned Vulcan medical officer with a distinguished career in Starfleet. Born and raised on Vulcan, she possesses a keen intellect and a deep passion for the biological sciences. Despite her strict Vulcan upbringing, T'Kara's interest in the emotional and psychological aspects of healing sets her apart from her peers.

Throughout her career, T'Kara has earned a reputation for her exceptional medical skills, unwavering dedication, and calm demeanor in crisis situations. Her journey from a young medical student at the Vulcan Science Academy to Assistant Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Odyssey (NCC-74650) is marked by her commitment to upholding the principles of logic, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge.

T'Kara's relationships with her family, including her renowned father, Savar, and her supportive mother, T'Pella, have shaped her values and outlook on life. While she remains dedicated to her career, T'Kara's inner strength and resilience are tempered by a deep sense of empathy and compassion for those under her care.

As Chief Medical Officer, T'Kara continues to inspire those around her with her unwavering commitment to the well-being of her crew and the ideals of the Federation. Her journey is a testament to the enduring values of logic, compassion, and the pursuit of excellence that define both her Vulcan heritage and her role within Starfleet.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

-Exemplary Medical Skills: T'Kara possesses exceptional proficiency in medical diagnosis, treatment, and surgical procedures, earning her the respect of her peers and superiors.
-Logical Thinking: Rooted in her Vulcan upbringing, T'Kara's logical approach to problem-solving allows her to remain calm and focused under pressure, even in the most challenging situations.
-Empathy and Compassion: Despite her adherence to logic, T'Kara possesses a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others, allowing her to connect with patients on a personal level and provide comfort in times of need.
-Leadership Abilities: T'Kara demonstrates strong leadership qualities, inspiring confidence in her team and fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment.


-Struggle with Emotional Expression: T'Kara's Vulcan upbringing sometimes makes it difficult for her to express her emotions openly, leading to occasional misunderstandings or conflicts with others who may perceive her as detached or aloof.
-Tendency towards Perfectionism: T'Kara's pursuit of excellence can sometimes border on perfectionism, causing her to set unrealistically high standards for herself and others, which may lead to frustration or burnout.
-Difficulty with Dealing with Illogical Behavior: Despite her best efforts to remain impartial, T'Kara's patience can be tested when confronted with behavior that defies logic or reason, causing her to become frustrated or agitated.
-Reluctance to Seek Help: Like many Vulcans, T'Kara may be hesitant to seek assistance or acknowledge her own limitations, preferring to rely on her own abilities rather than reaching out for support when needed.
Ambitions T'Kara's ambitions encompass advancing in Starfleet, contributing to medical innovation, advocating for emotional health, fostering cultural exchange, and nurturing the next generation of medical officers. She aims to climb the ranks within Starfleet while pioneering medical breakthroughs, promoting emotional well-being, and participating in diplomatic missions. T'Kara envisions a future where diversity is celebrated, mental health is destigmatized, and knowledge is shared for the betterment of all within the Federation and beyond.
Hobbies & Interests T'Kara's hobbies and interests include meditation for emotional balance, scientific exploration beyond medicine, immersion in Vulcan literature and philosophy, martial arts for physical discipline, and appreciation of music, particularly traditional Vulcan melodies. She also enjoys holodeck simulations, botanical gardening, and active involvement in diplomatic affairs. These pursuits provide her with opportunities for relaxation, personal growth, and cultural enrichment activities.


Personal History T'Kara was born into a traditional Vulcan family, her parents, Savar and T'Pella, instilling in her from an early age the values of logic, discipline, and intellectual pursuit. Raised in the serene landscapes of Vulcan, she excelled academically, displaying a natural aptitude for the biological sciences. However, despite her strict Vulcan upbringing, T'Kara found herself drawn to the emotional and psychological aspects of healing, a fascination that often put her at odds with her culture's emphasis on logic and emotional suppression.

After graduating with top honors from the Vulcan Science Academy's medical program, T'Kara embarked on a journey of exploration and self-discovery, joining Starfleet Medical to expand her knowledge beyond the confines of Vulcan. Her tenure in Starfleet was marked by exemplary service and a commitment to upholding the principles of compassion and logic in equal measure.

Assigned to the USS Odyssey (NCC-74650), an Intrepid-class Starship, as a medical officer, T'Kara quickly distinguished herself in numerous crisis situations, demonstrating both her medical expertise and her ability to remain calm under pressure. Her dedication and leadership qualities did not go unnoticed, and she steadily rose through the ranks, earning commendations for her contributions to the health and well-being of her fellow crew members.

As she continued her journey aboard the USS Odyssey, T'Kara's experiences shaped her into a seasoned medical officer, admired and respected by her peers. Her relationships with her family, including her renowned father, Savar, and her supportive mother, T'Pella, provided her with a strong foundation and sense of purpose as she navigated the challenges of her chosen path.

During her time on the Odyssey, T'Kara's dedication and leadership qualities caught the attention of her superiors. After a discussion with a Commodore named Gregory Paladin, she was offered the positiion of Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Tomcat (NCC-62114), an Akira-class Starship. This opportunity represents a new chapter in T'Kara's career, one where she will have the chance to lead her own medical team and make a significant impact in the ever-expanding frontier of space exploration.

Service Record

Service Record 2364 - Joined Ni'Var Science Institute (Vulcan Science Academy)
2368 - Graduated Ni'Var Science Institute (Vulcan Science Academy) under its Medical Program, transitioned to Starfleet Academy for extended training.
2372 - Graduated with honors, Starfleet Academy, Medical Program. Majored in Medical, Minored in Operations. Assigned to the Intrepid-class Starship USS Odyssey (NCC-74650) as Medical Officer, rank of Cadet Junior Grade after refusal for Ensign.
2378 - Transitioned to Head Nurse to cover for crew rotational issues. Promoted to Cadet Senior Grade after refusal for Ensign.
2382 - Promotion to Ensign. Assigned as Assistant Chief Medical Officer.
2396 - Promotion to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. Requested transfer to USS Tomcat (NCC-62114), an Akira-class Starship, on the behest of Commodore Gregory Paladin.