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Shaky Arrivals

Posted on 05 Feb 2024 @ 10:48pm by 2nd Lieutenant Sabrina 'Bri' Velazquez

667 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Runabout, SB51
Timeline: Current


Up the front of the runabout, the pilot frowned and tapped away at buttons, muttering something. Looking up from where she was sitting, Bri called, "Hey, Ensign, everything okay?"

He sighed, "Nothing to worry about. I am reading a slight.. " There was a slight shudder through the ship, and Biscuit whimpered as the two junior crewmen traveling with them looked like scared bunnies. Rolling her eyes to Mati, Sabrina got up and moved into the co-pilot's seat, "Okay, so I'm trained in Engineering. Let's take a look so we don't cause those two to need the sick bags."

Accessing the console with a swift gesture, the brunette navigated through the labyrinth of diagnostic records with practiced ease. Her gaze flickered across the screen, absorbing the intricate details. With a few precise taps on the interface, she summoned the relevant data, analyzing it with a critical eye.

After contemplating, she deduced, "Seems there's a hint of ion build-up here. I'll go run a plasma flush it out, just to be safe." Her fingers danced over the console's controls to unlock the system access first.

Bri rose from her seat, her movements purposeful as she made her way to the rear section of the room. She deftly snatched her engineering kit along the path, ensuring she had all the necessary tools. With a practiced hand, she unlatched one of the access panels on the floor, revealing the intricate network of power transfer conduits hidden beneath. Over to one side, she noticed Mati checking on one of the crew members and had to stifle a chuckle.

Extracting a tricorder from her kit, she activated the device, its screen illuminating with data as she meticulously examined the conduits' energy flow. Each reading she took added to her understanding of the ship's systems, allowing her to identify potential issues before they could escalate into more significant problems.

"Ensign, found it. There is a variance in the left nacelle transfer conduit which is causing backfire. Can you drop out of warp? Then, I'll do a flush of it with some plasma and we should be good to go."

A few moments later, Bri felt the runabout shudder as it dropped out, with the pilot calling out, "Done. Let me know when it is ready." Nodding, Sabrina began running through the ion purge cycle, which caused the drive system to give a loud thrum, and afterward, she checked the readings.

Closing up the access panel, Sabrina called out,
"That did it. Good to go."

With the nacelles working better, the rest of the trip to Starbase 51 was pretty uneventful, and the pilot set down on one of the landing pads. He grinned, "We made it. Welcome to Starbase 51."

Starbase 51 landing pad

Exiting the runabout holding hands with Matilda beside her and Biscuit in her little carrier, Sabrina smiled as the two crewmen went through first before she walked up to the lieutenant waiting.

Before he asked her, Sabrina volunteered, "Hello, Lieutenant. I am Second Lieutenant Sabrina Velazquez, assigned as a Marine transferring to the USS Tomcat." Matilda chimed in, "G'day. I'm Matilda Stone, a civilian who will be working as lounge manager on the Tomcat. That's a Ms by the way."

He checked his pad before handing her another,
"Hmmm. There it is. Thank you, Lieutenant and Ms Stone. This has all the details you will need. Please report to the Starbase Security office regarding transfer details - it looks like the Tomcat is going into refit."

Sabrina nodded, "Thank you." They headed off, and Matilda smiled, "I'll talk to the contact I was given for the lounge and take Biscuit for some exploration. They will be include the lounge during the refit, and I get to do some designing." Giving a quick kiss to her wife, Sabrina headed off, stopping at a terminal to get directions.


clnfneA.png 2nd Lt Velazquez

Matilda Stone


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