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Just a little Task

Posted on 01 Jan 2024 @ 12:04am by Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Alexi sat down at the terminal in her shared quarters. At the moment she was alone and that suited her just fine, for now. She had taken off her uniform and showered before changing into her sleepwear, a pair of old shorts and an over sized t-shirt that she had confiscated from her father on her last visit. She sat at the terminal for a few minutes before she spoke.

"Computer, record message to be relayed to Joshua Michelle, currently residing on Earth." She heard a small series of beeps before the computer responded, *RECORDING*.

"Hello Dad, Mother. I will assume all is well since I haven't heard otherwise. The Tomcat is an interesting ship. I found someone else who shares my taste in music. He's the Chief Engineer of all things. We had an impromptu jam session in a storage room I sort of snuck into. And NO, mother, I am not romantically involved with him. He is already taken so don't get any ideas.

I've been working on a disturbing case. By now I am sure the news has reached Earth about an Abassador being abducted. Well, I have been attempting to find clues as to how that happened and who was responsible. I can't really say much more about that. I did hand in the report to my superior, LtJG Ze. So now all I can do is wait to see what happens. Or I may never know, just how it goes sometimes.

Anyway, I have been assigned patrols on different levels of the ship. It's a great way to learn my way around should there be an emergency.

Other than that, I am doing well. Met a few of my shipmates and they all seemed very nice. I need to hit the rack so I'll just say, Good night. Be safe. And hopefully we will see each other soon. Love you both."

She blew then a kiss then ended the recording and sent it on it's way.


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