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The Black Jack

Posted on 22 Sep 2024 @ 5:42pm by 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang

2,106 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Lounge
Timeline: Following the briefing


Thomas had returned to his locker that evening. Upon opening it he found a box that held a black jumpsuit with a removable red badge was on the right shoulder, a black sleek fully enclosed helmet was also present it was obvious upon inspection it was designed to hide the face and disguise the wearers voice. A pair of high-grade sporty leather boots, climbing gloves, and a utility belt also in black. They were sized to fit. A Padd was present as well asking for a fingerprint and then a retinal scan before revealing it's content.

Thomas applied his right index finger to the PADD and upon being prompted, let it scan his right eye. Once the verification was verified, the screen went black with white text appearing.

Greetings player,

Current games on play-

Single - none

Team- Red- 3 games in play -
1 days, 3hours,42 minutes remaining

Hide and seek - Red leading

BINGO- Purple leading

Tag - Red leading

Click on game tokens for instructions on play or rules.

Next Running Man - holodeck 4 -0330 check in. -Green Hosting-

Thomas touched the first icon for the hide and seek and read what was displayed.


Hide and seek (out game version)- based on the old Terrain game for children. Players from other teams 'hide' while the designated 'IT' team searches for them.

Duration -5 days with one 'free safe day.'

Each team will be 'it' for a duration of 24 hours.

They must seek out and mark the players of the other teams. This is accomplished by the use of observation tactics. Mannerisms and speech patterns observed by those they have interacted with in prior games.

(Note) Some players will be given special scanners that detect the special ink used to mark players for TAG- it is permitted for use in Hide and Seek as well.

When a suspected player is 'found' the person who is 'it' will signal to the games keeper via Padd, or channel 224 over the comm to mark said player discreetly.

If the 'it' player marks someone not in the RMG they will receive a *demerit to be issued upon the next scheduled game and will be 'out' and no longer allowed to participate in Hide and Seek or aide their team in this game.


Thomas then tapped the second icon and read about the Bingo

BINGO (out game Version)- based on the Terrain child's game.

Duration: 7 days -

The main objective is to fill the bingo card before the other teams do. Be the first to get a Bingo.

O- purple

Players from each team will be given a random number. As well as a team based playing card.

Every 6th hour a new number combination will be selected from each color at random to complete a task.

Players selected will receive instructions on where to go to complete said tasks.

If said task is completed, the person with the fastest time wins the stamp of the numbers of the colors of the other four teams for their teams card.

-Each team will have 1 black Jack.-

When this player wins in task they can select any number extra number from any of the other color upon winning including their own.
Along with the numbers of their competitors they beat in task.

The team that fills their card and collects a bingo will win immunity or a free pass from one task in the main games or can trade the win to dispose of any demerits against the team.

Thomas hit the third and final icon. He read that one as well.


Tag(out game version)- duration 7 days

Based on the Terrain child's game.

Objective: To not get 'tagged' by the other teams players.

Each team will have one designated person randomly selected to be 'IT' for their team.

Players who are "IT" - are given a special scanner. They can use this scanner to identify players who are in play by detecting the special ink compound on each players wrist. **This does not reveal color or player number.

'IT' players are independent from their own teams while in play and can tag them to gain individual points.

'IT'players can steal the points of other It players when they identify each other by "Tagging" them and making it to the "safety Zone" before the other player tags them back.

Safe zones are selected by random upon a tagging event.

'IT'players tagged out will be retired from play and replaced by another player that hasn't yet been tagged from their color team.

If no members of said team are untagged said team has lost the game and will receive a demerit upon the next scheduled games.


No violence or unsanctioned fighting:

Tasks that will require combat will be held in a controlled environment. They will be structured for safety purposes.

RMG: forbids any and all unnecessary violence and will report said violence to proper authorities.

This includes threats of violence.

Sexual Misconduct:

RMG, will NEVER hold or design any task that requires any type of sexual activity. If a player is assigned a task that they feel violated this promise. They can report it to the Game keeper for review and removal.

Anyone trying to use RMG to press a sexual motive will be reported to the proper authorities.

Sexual misconduct:

Unwanted intimate touching

Unwanted comments of a sexual nature.

Suggestive gestures

No designing of games that put players in what is felt to be sexualy suggestive or compromised positions.

RMG will NEVER sanction any game that forces a player to touch another in any sexual or suggestive way.

Any and all players are given the option to opt out of any game that requires physical contact at no penalty to them or their team.

In such an event that an entire team opts out they will be given a secondary task to complete.

If more than one team opts out a new game will be selected and voted on by the entire community.

We strongly encourage the reporting of players who do not follow the rules.


Our goal is to design and run a safe environment for players to compete and play. Anything brought into the games that will endanger others is strictly forbidden.


Each new game will be sent to each participating player by the games keeper only. By various methods.

Those caught trying to fool players into unsanctioned tasks will be eliminated permanently from all running man games in the future.

If assigned a task the player assigned must be the one to fulfill said task or opt out.

Upon opting out a new player is then randomly selected to take their place by the GameKeeper.

Tasks are not given by other players. Except in a **recruiting event.

(Only designated team leaders can recruit for their team. Never can a recruiter OPENLY recruit for Running man. All players must ask to be opted in. They will then be presented promptly by the GameKeeper and provided a current team kit.

Game rules for each game will be made clear by the start of each game by the GameKeeper. Anyone with questions about rules to games can contact the Gamekeeper via their Padd with contact code 224.

Game Rules and instructions are always in flux depending on the games in play.

Never be afraid to ask for more clarification. We encourage communication. We thank you for your cooperation and participation.

Welcome to the RMG family.

Upon opening the rules section a Plastic card with a chip on it slid from the device. It was plain white with lovely script with the letters RMG on one side. Contact card on the back.

Accept. Or. Decline

As soon as he hit the button a second card fell out. It had a button on it that simply read. "Point to tag."

A yellow button flashed to the top of the screen as instructions read. Dress down for main event 1d 41h 53m and the seconds rolled down. The yellow button was labeled "sight to sight transport red 00. Press at 0333 Friday for lobby access.

Enjoy the games.

Thomas looked the two cards over before he tucked them away on the inner lining of his uniform while he re-read the PADD. He tapped in the contact code specified by the text and entered the following question:

'What is the Black jack in each game and their role?'

A message appeared promptly in return.

Black jacks are considered wild cards on each team. They provide bother personal and team advantages.

The current games involving the black jack are:

Bingo- When this player number is selected in Bingo. They will compete with players from other teams to earn points.

Upon victory in the mini game Black Jacks collect numbers from all the competing players as well as one additional number of any color team of their choice. Including their own team as is necessary to form a Bingo.

Black Jacks are the only ones able to pick from their own teams color. Making them a vital player in the BINGO game.

Thomas slipped the PADD into his mattress so that it wasn't easily found. He'd have to get with Cassandra to get more information from her about how the games are played.

Thomas heard a commotion towards the upper block of the barracks. The voice was deep and though annoyed was rather jovial. "Welp lesson learned don't sneak up on them engineering folk. They are always full of surprises. Still I got it though." He recognized the voice of Carson.

"That's great!" Anther male voice replied with an edge of excitement. "I don't know how we are going to fix this before inspection tomorrow. Mathews is going to have your ass if it needs to be replaced." There was a brotherly like chuckle. "Man I think your screwed here. This is some high grade shit she nailed you with. I didn't think Laramie was smart enough to boobytrap you."

"Hey now Candy's a good kid, just a bit green still is all. It wasn't Laramie that got me though. Was that Andorian fox from engineering Thex something. Caught me off guard." Carson admitted with another of those deep laughs.

"I'll do my best to fix it or replace it by tomorrow. You stop playing around and get busy on your locker. Mathews is tossing those as well. Apparently they found controband in the storage room. So now we all have to pay the piper and face the music." The other voice responded evenly. "So make sure your shits in ship shape or you'll be getting another write up and then you can kiss promotion to team leader good bye."

Thomas said his hand into his uniform and pulled the cards from the pocket inside. He remembered Cassandra mentioning Carson in the running man games but was the other in on it too? Hell, he'd take the chance. He maneuvered to be able to get a line of sight on the two without being seen. He drew from his hunting skills as well as his sniper skills to light both of them up with the marking card. Once he did so, he slipped back out of sight and slid under his bunk silently.

A soft chirp came from both of them.

"the hell!" Carson declared "who the?"

"I dunno spread out. They can't be far." Came the other voice.

Fast heavy footsteps moved first to the main entrance and then split up to start going down the rows of bunks and lockers one heading towards the galley opening the other towards the showers and officers quarters beyond.

Thomas watched them split up and start searching for him. He slid out from under the bunk silently and picked up a small object from a nearby bunk that wasn't his. He carefully took aim and launched it deeper into the barracks so that it made noise father from him but so that it bounced in a different direction from the initial trajectory.

"This way Jack!" Came the expected reply. "I think they're in a stealth suit. Heading for the safe zone hurry!"

Both sets of boots took off at a run down the corridor towards the galley.

Thomas slipped silently out and moved as quickly as he could to the exit on the other side of the barracks. He moved with the practiced ease and silence of a veteran hunter. Once he reached the exit, he dashed away as fast as he could. He kept an ear out behind him for any possible pursuit.


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