Tomcat Simulation Restricted Characters Rules

Created by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers on 15 Sep 2023 @ 10:59am

While the sim recognises and welcomes a wide array of variety in the characters that are included within, there are some races within the Star Trek universe that are simply too powerful or would have no place in character on a sim. As such, the Commanding Officer enacts the following list of characters and races which are restricted from sims for use for player characters on the Tomcat, pending approval from the sim's CO:

1. Shapeshifter (Changelings, Chameloids, 8472...)

2. Androids, Augments or mobile emitter-equipped Holograms.

3. Races from the Delta Quadrant.

4. Races from the opposing side of recent wars or of a hostile nature to Starfleet.

5. Characters with physical or mental powers beyond those shown by major characters on the shows/movies (Excluding other restricted or disallowed races)

6. Characters with physical appearance or behavioural traits dissimilar enough so as to cause confusion over the character's actual age. (i.e.: Adults that look like children or characters appearing childlike behave as adults)

7. Characters from official sources, or their relations.

The following characters or races will be disallowed for all Player Characters.

1. Borg, unless free from the collective.

2. Q, half-Q, Q in human form, etc

Any race that is prohibited from any form of contact with other races, such as the Talosians.

Categories: Rules