Lieutenant JG T'Mara Sty'Nak

Name T'Mara Sty'Nak

Position Language Specialist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6''
Weight 109 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description T'Zara possesses the distinctive physical features of a Vulcan, with slightly pointed ears, upswept eyebrows, and a slender physique. She has long, dark hair that she often wears in an elaborate updo with a few loose tendrils framing her face. T'Zara's eyes are a striking shade of intense blue.


Spouse None yet
Children None yet
Father Sarok
Mother T'Priya
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) T'Kas, age 19.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Traits of T'Mara:

Linguistic Prodigy: T'Mara possesses an exceptional talent for languages, able to quickly learn and understand both spoken and written forms of communication from various species. Her deep understanding of etymology and phonetics allows her to decipher even the most complex linguistic structures.

Cultural Savvy: Beyond language, T'Mara has a keen interest in understanding the cultural nuances that shape communication. Her studies in xenolinguistics have equipped her with the ability to bridge cultural gaps, fostering better intercultural cooperation and diplomatic relations.

Logical Disposition: As a Vulcan, T'Mara values logic and rationality. She approaches situations with a calm and analytical mindset, often relying on her logical thinking to solve problems and make sound decisions.

Emotional Discipline: Despite her logical nature, T'Mara has learned to master her emotions, a crucial skill for someone engaged in diplomacy and intercultural communication. She practices Vulcan meditation techniques to maintain emotional equilibrium.

Open-Minded Curiosity: T'Mara's exposure to diverse languages and cultures has instilled in her a deep curiosity about the universe and its inhabitants. Her open-mindedness allows her to approach new experiences and species with a sense of wonder and enthusiasm.

Dedication to Diplomacy: T'Mara is passionate about fostering understanding and cooperation among different species. Her work as a Starfleet Language Officer aligns with her commitment to diplomacy, making her an indispensable asset during first-contact scenarios and negotiations.

Perseverance: T'Mara's journey hasn't been without challenges, especially when her Vulcan upbringing clashes with the emotions of other species. However, her determination and willingness to learn from these experiences have helped her navigate complex situations and grow as an individual.

Respectful and Professional: T'Mara treats all individuals with respect, regardless of their background or species. Her professionalism and diplomatic demeanour make her a reliable and trustworthy representative of Starfleet.
Sibling Bond: T'Mara shares a strong and supportive bond with her younger sister T'Kas, even though their interests differ. Their intellectual discussions challenge and inspire them both, contributing to their personal growth.

Vulcan Heritage: While she appreciates and respects other cultures, T'Mara remains deeply connected to her Vulcan heritage. Her upbringing in a household that values knowledge and understanding has left a lasting impact on her approach to life and her career.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Linguistic Mastery: T'Mara's exceptional linguistic talents allow her to quickly learn and understand a wide range of languages, enabling effective communication and building bridges between different species.

+Cultural Insight: Her deep appreciation for cultural nuances and her ability to understand the context behind languages contribute to successful negotiations and diplomacy, fostering intercultural cooperation.

+Emotional Resilience: T'Mara's Vulcan upbringing has equipped her with emotional discipline and resilience, allowing her to remain composed even in high-pressure situations, a crucial trait for a diplomat dealing with various emotions from other species.


-Limited Emotional Expression: T'Mara's adherence to Vulcan principles of emotional control can sometimes make it difficult for her to connect on an emotional level with individuals from more expressive species, potentially affecting interpersonal relationships.

-Overreliance on Logic: While logic is her guiding principle, there are instances where T'Mara's preference for rationality might lead her to overlook the emotional aspects of a situation, potentially causing misunderstandings.

-Struggle with Unpredictability: T'Mara's logical nature is occasionally challenged by the unpredictable nature of the universe and the behaviours of other species. Adapting to unexpected situations can be a point of difficulty for her.

Ambitions Ambitions in Starfleet:

Interstellar Linguistic Database: T'Mara aims to create a comprehensive linguistic database that encompasses the languages of various species encountered by Starfleet. This resource would aid future encounters, negotiations, and diplomatic missions by providing a centralized repository of translation tools and cultural insights.

Intercultural Diplomacy Training: Recognizing the importance of intercultural understanding, T'Mara envisions designing and implementing training programs within Starfleet to educate officers on effective communication with diverse species. Her goal is to help Starfleet personnel navigate complex cultural interactions, minimizing misunderstandings and conflicts.

Ambassadorial Role: While she currently serves as a Language Officer, T'Mara aspires to take on an ambassadorial role, representing the United Federation of Planets in diplomatic negotiations between different civilizations. Her deep understanding of languages and cultures would make her an ideal candidate to facilitate peaceful relations between species.

Personal Ambitions:

-Understanding Vulcan Heritage: T'Mara desires to explore her Vulcan heritage on a deeper level, delving into the historical and linguistic roots of her own culture. She envisions contributing to Vulcan's knowledge base through her unique perspectives gained from intercultural experiences.

-Authorship and Scholarship: T'Mara aspires to publish scholarly works that bridge the gap between linguistics, cultural studies, and diplomacy. She aims to contribute valuable insights to academic discussions while making her knowledge accessible to a broader audience interested in interstellar relations.

-Sibling Connection: T'Mara's personal ambition is to continue nurturing her relationship with her younger sister, T'Kas. She hopes to maintain their engaging intellectual discussions and support each other's endeavours, despite their differing career paths.

T'Mara's ambitions reflect her commitment to both her professional duties within Starfleet and her personal growth as an individual. Her drive to promote understanding, strengthen intercultural relations, and explore her own identity make her a well-rounded and determined member of the Federation's diplomatic efforts.
Hobbies & Interests -Traditional Vulcan Music: Despite her primary focus on languages and diplomacy, T'Mara finds solace in playing traditional Vulcan musical instruments. She enjoys the meditative process of creating harmonious sounds, and the structured nature of Vulcan music aligns with her logical disposition.

-Holoprogram Exploration: T'Mara is fascinated by historical and cultural simulations available through holoprograms. She often immerses herself in simulations that allow her to experience the languages, customs, and art forms of civilizations from across the galaxy.

-Martial Arts Practice: Recognizing the value of physical discipline alongside mental prowess, T'Mara practices a Vulcan form of martial arts. This practice not only keeps her physically fit but also serves as a form of controlled self-expression outside her linguistic and diplomatic duties.

-Literary Exploration: T'Mara has a keen interest in literature from various species, both classic and contemporary. She enjoys reading and analyzing literary works, finding common themes and linguistic patterns that provide insights into different cultures' perspectives and values.


Personal History Born on the arid and logical planet of Vulcan, T'Mara exhibited remarkable linguistic talents from an early age. Her parents, both respected scholars in their fields, recognized her prodigious ability to grasp and master languages with exceptional precision. Nurtured within the controlled environment of Vulcan's teachings, T'Mara's inclination toward languages stood out as an anomaly in a society where scientific and rational pursuits were emphasized.

However, T'Mara's parents recognized the importance of embracing one's individuality even within Vulcan's structured framework. They supported her linguistic pursuits while emphasizing the Vulcan values of discipline, logic, and emotional control. Her childhood was a blend of rigorous linguistic studies and meditation, fostering a well-balanced mindset.

As she grew older, T'Mara's proficiency in languages expanded beyond those of her own planet. Her deep understanding of etymology, phonetics, and cultural context allowed her to learn and decipher various alien languages, often with a level of fluency that astonished even seasoned linguists. Her studies encompassed both verbal and written forms of communication, ranging from spoken word to intricate script systems.

Upon entering the Vulcan Science Academy, T'Mara chose to specialize in xenolinguistics, a field that combined her linguistic aptitude with her passion for cultural understanding. Despite the occasional scepticism of her Vulcan peers, T'Mara excelled in her studies, proving that emotional discipline and logic were not at odds with the exploration of diverse languages and cultures.

Upon completing her studies at the Academy, T'Mara applied to Starfleet, recognizing the potential to utilize her linguistic talents to bridge communication gaps and foster intercultural cooperation. Her application was accepted, and she embarked on a new journey as a Language Officer within Starfleet.

Assigned to the USS Tomcat, T'Mara found herself at the forefront of diplomatic missions, first contacts, and intricate negotiations. Her ability to quickly adapt to new languages and understand the nuances of alien cultures made her an invaluable asset to the crew. While her logical demeanor often contrasted with the more emotionally expressive nature of her colleagues, her steadfast dedication and reliability earned her the respect of the entire crew.
T'Mara's journey was not without challenges. Her Vulcan upbringing sometimes clashed with the unpredictability of the universe and the emotions of other species. However, she continued to learn from every interaction, embracing the diversity of the cosmos as a way to refine her understanding of languages and cultures.

As Lieutenant, Junior Grade, T'Mara continues to serve aboard the USS Tomcat, her mission remains clear: to bridge the gaps between species, facilitate understanding, and forge connections through the power of language. In doing so, she exemplifies the Vulcan pursuit of knowledge while contributing her unique talents to the ongoing mission of peaceful exploration and cooperation within the United Federation of Planets.

Service Record

Service Record USS Intercept (NCC-1708):

Assignment: Junior Linguistics Officer

Duration: Stardate 4508- Stardate 4509

Roles and Achievements: T'Mara's journey in Starfleet began aboard the USS Intercept, where she served as a Junior Linguistics Officer. She quickly became an integral part of the ship's diplomatic team, assisting in negotiations, translating languages, and fostering intercultural understanding during first-contact scenarios. Her linguistic talents were particularly instrumental in diffusing a tense situation with an uncharted alien species, leading to successful communication and establishing peaceful relations. Her contributions earned her a commendation for her dedication to the principles of diplomacy and cooperation.

USS Arcadia (NCC-2155):

Assignment: Chief Linguistics Officer
Duration: Stardate 4609- Stardate 4613
Roles and Achievements: T'Mara's exceptional performance on the USS Enterprise led to her promotion to the role of Chief Linguistics Officer on the USS Arcadia. During her time on the Arcadia, T'Mara continued to excel in facilitating communication between species. She played a pivotal role in mediating a dispute between two alien civilizations over resource allocation. Her nuanced understanding of their languages and cultural sensitivities helped her guide the negotiations to a successful resolution, earning her the Starfleet Medal of Commendation for her exceptional diplomatic skills.