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09 Apr 2024 @ 5:32pm

Sergeant Connor Sharpe

Name Connor 'Paddy' Sharpe

Position Sergeant

Rank Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0" / 184cm
Weight 183lbs / 83kg
Hair Color brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Connor has an above average height and weight for a Marine. He has Brown hair, which he keeps short, neat and to regulation. His skin tone is a light tanned with several scars over his body from his missions. His eyes have a Blue colour to them.


Spouse Toral Kia (deceased)
Children Toral Sarah Sharpe (daughter)
Father William Sharpe
Mother Mary Sharpe
Other Family Toral Siana (mother-in-law)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Connor looks and acts like a Career Marine.

His respect is earned, not automatically given to those he meets. Although, He does give a certain level of respect to his superior officers but even that only stretches so far. He only occasionally gives third chances and doesn’t offer any more.
Strengths & Weaknesses Skills:-

Martial Arts

Marine Corp Hand to Hand

Combat Skills:-

Marine Corp Basic Training

Linguistic Skills:-

Federation Standard
Gaelic (Irish)

Likes: Pizza, Beef, Lamb, Pork, any Seafood, Musicals, Reading, Sketching, Classical Music.

Dislikes: Klingon Opera, Sand, Pineapple

Strengths & Weaknesses:

+ Intelligent
+ Curious
+ Brave
+ Determined
+ Loyal
+ Patient
+ Detail Orientated

- Stubborn
- Overly Analytical
- Cynical
- Prone to target fixation
- Alpha Type Personality
Ambitions Personal- Keep his family safe, both his one on Earth and his one on Bajor.

Professional- Continue to serve to the best of his ability. Any promotion is simply a bonus.
Hobbies & Interests Sketching, Reading, Bajoran history


Personal History Born on the 22nd of May, 2360, Connor came from a long military family which they can trace back to the times of the old empires on Earth. His family lived on the Cardassian boarder on a nowhere little Federation Colony.

In the year 2370, Connor’s family joined the resistance movement that had formed in the boarder colonies called the Maquis. Choosing to honour their Irish heritage, the Colonists reformed the St Patrick Battalion to defend their colony from the militarised Cardassian colonists.

At the age of 13, Connor's Father was killed while fighting off a Cardassian raid on their colony. His mother did her best to keep the family together, but she was never the same after his father's death.

Taken in by his uncle Argyle, Connor was raised by him for the next several years while also looking after Connor’s mother, his sister. Uncle Argyle taught Connor to use his brain along with his strength to achieve his goals rather than simply brute forcing every situation. For Connor, the most important lesson that he was taught was patience.

At the age of 18, Connor joined the SFMC. By strange coincidence, during this year, the USS Voyager returned from the delta quadrant, giving Connor a front row seat to Voyager's flyby over the bridge in San Fransisco.

During his first year of training, the USS Enterprise E was sent to Romulus and later returns damaged from a fight. No information is officially released, but rumours float around the Academy that the Enterprise had been damaged in combat with the Romulans, though nothing official was released for a while after the Enterprise's return to Earth. This turned out to be the only exciting event to have occoured during Connor's basic training.

After graduating, Connor was assigned to 33rd Rifle Regiment SFMC on Ajilon Prime and for the next 5 years, Connor’s life was spent 'training' and preforming drills. For a colony close to the Klingon Boarder, this assignment turned out to be comparatively quiet.

in the year 2385, Starfleet suffered an unexpected ‘attack’ from what were thought to be rogue AI units that destroyed an entire fleet of support ships that were being built for and being used to transport Romulan people to safety after the Hobus star was discovered to be about to enter a dramatic expansion phase. All of the garrison Marine units were put on high alert and the 33rd were recalled to Earth to assist in the clean up of Mars and the removement of the A.I. Platforms from Utopia Planetia.

Connor was later transferred to the former Cardassian DMZ as part of a special task force intended to help resettle the Cardassian and Marquis colonies along the boarder. While on assignment here, Connor came to know a the Bajoran liaison, Toral Kia, that had been assigned as a guide to his division. Their working relationship started off rather rocky as his unit CO was a very by the book man and that seemed to rub Toral up the wrong way. This relationship became more and more strained until one event changed everything. Connor’s unit was patrolling an old Cardassian colony when they were attacked by a crazed group of Jem’Hadar that had been abandoned on the planet after the Dominion war. The fight was bloody and mostly hand to hand. After it was all over, Connor was left the most senior marine still alive at the rank of Corporal.

After this event, Connor dedicated himself to training to become a Marine Designated Marksmen and specialized in the use of Sniper rifles.

After a few months of getting to know one another, Connor and Toral became a couple after bonding over their shared experience on the Cardassian Colony. Toral would often join him as he went on patrol around the DMZ. Almost a year into their relationship, the two had a daughter, Toral Sarah Sharpe. They chose to respect both of their cultures naming conventions, giving their daughter Toral's last name as well as Connor's.

It wasn't long after their daughter's birth that Toral was killed in a terrorist attack by a member of the rogue Cardassian group, the True Way, leaving Connor to raise his daughter by himself.

Now with an infant daughter, Connor moved to a rearguard command so he can focus on his child and to help with this, he moved in with Toral's family back on Bajor.

in 2387, the Hobus star exploded, destoying Romulus and Remus and crippling the Romulan Star Empire. In spite of the limited efforts of the rescue fleet lead by Admiral Jean-luc Picard in 2365, a large number of Romulans were killed in the event along with the well loved and famous Federation Ambassidor Spock. In concern of the remaining Imperial Romulan Navy attacking the Federation out of retaliation, Several Marine Regiments were assigned all along the Romulan Boarder both to guard against attack and to help process any refugees that were flooding across the boarder.

Leaving his daughter with her mother’s family on Bajor, Connor left bajor along with this unit and took an assignment with the 212th Division.

Over the next three years, Connor served on the Romulan boarder dealing with the occasional brush fire that came up. For the most part, these brush fires were little more than refugees struggling to find somewhere safe to flee to, but once in a while an Imperial Romulan warbird would pop up and deploy ground units to planets on the Federation's side of the boarder where Romulan Refugees were gathering.

After four years on and off the boarder, the region quietened down and the Marine divisions were gradually stood down. after his unit was stood down, Connor took a leave of absence and returned to the Bajoran system to reunite with his daughter.

After spending almost a full year off duty, Connor returned to active duty and was sent to the USS Tomcat, an Akira class Starship that had been assigned to patrol the southern boarder of the Alpha Quadrant.

Service Record

Service Record 2378 - Enlisted in Starfleet Marine Corp
2380 - Assigned to the 33rd Rifle Regiment on Ajilon Prime
2385 - 33rd recalled to Earth to assist in 'Clean up' of Utopia Planitia - Promoted to Corporal
2386 - Assigned to Special Tast Force on former Cardassian DMZ based out of the Bajor system.
2387 - Hobus Explodes. Connor reassigned to 212th Division sent to patrol Romulan Boarder.
2390 - 2394 Assigned to Romulan Boarder. - Promoted to Sergeant
2394 - 2395 - Extended Leave of Absence
2395 - Assigned to USS Tomcat