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03 Jan 2023 @ 12:18am

Ensign Liam Bäckström

Name Liam Bäckström

Position Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9'
Weight 154
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color None (light blue optical implants)
Physical Description Has what's called a runner build from years of playing hockey, running, swimming, and biking. short fade haircut,


Spouse None
Children None
Father Augustus C. Bäckström
Mother Melinda McBride-Bäckström
Other Family Derrick McBride- Uncle

Personality & Traits

General Overview Liam is a nice guy friendly with most and likes to flirt with the ladies. What most don't know is he is gathering intel on everything he can. He doesn't even realize that he does it.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Strong athletic
+Strong runner, swimmer
+Knack for solving puzzles
+preforming Theater
-blinded by an accident
Ambitions Organize triathlons on various planets
Run in triathlons on various planets
Possibly be in command of a ship.

Hobbies & Interests Ladies
Performing theater
16th & 17th Century Earth Pirates


Personal History He was born on a Snowy night in Wilburn Pennsylvania. Spent a lot of his childhood learning to hunt and fish with his dad and uncle. He loves playing hockey, when it's not hockey season he runs, swims, and bikes. Has completed various triathlons.

His dad was a farmer/ farm manager for over 300 head of dairy cows. He was taught how to shoot and protect the herd. Mom was a Drama teacher/action at a Local high school.

Was a decent athlete and student in both High school and college. Graduating top 4% in high school. Had scholarships, for track and field, and cross country.

He took a year off to help Mom and Dad with the farm after Dad's health started to get bad. Once dad had recovered enough, he left for college.

When to Penn State to stay near mom and Dad, and the farm, he did three years at Penn State running cross country and track. His college career can to a halt when the shuttle the team was on hit another shuttle and crashed. He was the only serious injury a chemical splashed him in the eyes destroying his optic nerve. School had to drop him from the track team.

He soon became depressed and dropped out of school. Sitting around the farm, messing with logic puzzles, and listening to various newscasts. While out with his mom they were approached by a Federation recruiter, who convinced him to apply, he did and was excepted, He went in for implant surgery and spent the next 1 year learning how to adjust. He entered the academy older than most of the cadets but was able to hang in there, Majoring in Operations and minoring in engineering. Right after graduation, he was approached by Lt. Commander Sam Flagg, Starfleet Intelligence. After a brief holdout and a short brig time, trouble with Admiral Polks and sleeping with his daughters. Flagg was able to get him out of the brig and back to school, he went for the next two years.

Was part of a small covert intel-gathering mission for just under a year. Most of which are classified.

Service Record

Service Record Entered academy for training in Operations: 238708.16
Intelligence training: 239208.14
Intel gathering mission: 2394XX.XX
Reporting to the Tomcat: 239510.24