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11 Mar 2024 @ 2:18pm

Ensign Tiffany Zellers

Name Tiffany Zellers

Position Security Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 115 Lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Tiffany stands at an average human female height of 5 feet, 4 inches tall. Tiffany is not an athlete. However, she works out daily to keep her body in shape.

Shapely, slim build, Tiff is quick and able to powerhouse herself in any security situation. Even though she is small, she has the energy and mental fortitude to lay down the law of the USS Tomcat as a security officer.

Tiffany is quick, agile, and confident in a hand-to-hand or phaser fight against intruders and mission objectives. She can get the job done with less muscle and more energy!

Tiffany has no tattoos and no scars on her 24-year-old body. In off hours, Tiffany Zellers is often seen walking around in her woven blue swag sweater top and cut-off white-washed jean shorts.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A - Tiffany has no desire for Children because she was one and knows how hard that can be to be a truly dedicated and nurturing Mother. Her heart is with her career in Starfleet as a Security Officer.

This may change in the future as she matures in her thought processes.
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Tiffany has no dedicated Family. Her Family is the friends and close confidants she has made along her way. She was a Federation Orphan due to her great birth. She was held in cryonics as a fertilized egg in vitro process. She was only recently brought about in 2375 due to private, non-federation scientists.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tiffany is a unique young woman. Her ideals are to live life to the fullest.

Born February 19th, Tiffany is a Pieces and wears her heart on her sleeve most days. She has a strong sense of compassion, comforting others, teamwork, and the can-do spirit of the early 1980s middle American Dream.

Tiffany cannot help but psychologically live out the 1980s and 1990s through her character and interplay onboard the Tomcat. Whether wearing headbands during exercise or using early 1980s electronics such as Walkman’s and LCD digital watches. She has the toughened attitude of a California "valley girl.”

"As if." "Like..." "Oh my god." "Gag me with a Spoon!" is some of her tendency to describe her feelings, excited outbursts, or commentary.

Listening to her Walkman, slap bands, bangles, and sandals are often her go-to items when relaxing.

The holodeck represents to Tiffany a world of never-ending wonders. Often, she will use it for diving back in time, reliving the past that she was unafforded at the time, falling in the year 2375 to be born.

Tiffany must collect things. Her quarters often have cassettes, records, pink, white, purple, and stuffed toys such as her Zeddy's Club Awards plush bear toy.

She is fierce and a flirt. She loves to be with both sexes and believes in a free-loving spirit.

She is analytical to the point of counting things, periodically re-filling her Coca-Cola diet in cans. Tiffany's only habit might be biting her nails when bored and flinging her hair when she is upset at someone.

Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and KFC are the go-to suppers she replicates from the classical database on the Tomcat mess. Despite the high caloric content of the foods she eats, her metabolism is charged, and she barely gains weight.

Tiffany is a fan of free things. She enjoys anything like free refills, dinners, games, and trinkets the most.

Tiffany is young and young at heart, but her Security prowess keeps others on their toes. She knows how to use 24th-century technology like her scrunchie. It is easy for her to understand and learn other Federation Laws quickly.

Ensign Zellers is a study and bookworm as well. She often is seen carrying around Archie Comic's, blowing bright pink bubble gum, and a PADD with Newsweek in her hands.

She can be seen in the Gym daily at 0500, exercising to dance and cardio videos popularized in the early Earthly 1980s and 1990s.

She is not stupid. She will hold a grudge if someone plays with her, uses her gullibility to an extent, and learns from it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

- Tenacious
- Sharp Focus
- Adaptive
- Phaser, Rifle Sharpshooter
- Dependable
- Detail Oriented
- Federation "By the Book" Law & Punishment
- Justice
- Equality
- Kind
- Genuine
- Strong Metabolism (Despite her Junk Food Affinity)


- Addicted to Diet Coke (Because it Tastes Better)
- Addicted to Classic TV Network Soaps - Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, All Our Children
- Addicted to 1990's Fast Food Chains, Replicated KFC, McDonald's, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut
- Collects Trinkets, 1980's, 1990's stylized Living "Comforts."
- Materialistic
- Cannot be Caught Dead without Cover Girl Cosmetics
- Hair Spray
- Plush Toys
- Classic Slasher Movies
Ambitions To Serve Starfleet and become her own Security Chief someday. To continue her current career as an Ensign SG and serve her superiors to the best of her ability.

To protect and serve crew safety and security
To love her Jack-Russel Terrier "Kelly."
Hobbies & Interests The 1980s, 1990s Earth North America Culture, Pop Culture, Food, Dialects, Fashion, Era

Painting, Romance Novels, Rum and Diet Coke, Dance Parties, House Parties on the Holodeck.


- Music Videos


Personal History 2375 Born Mars Colony, Unknown Private Fertility Clinic, Orphan

Tiffany had a hard life before being accepted into the Federation Academy at age 16, 2391.

Sponsored by a Vulcan Science Officer on Mars Colony, Tiffany Zellers was a product of a Single Mother acting as a Mentor.

Federation Child Supports and Orphanages helped Tiffany immensely to become the stalwart Student she had become by the time she was emancipated to becoming a young adult on her own.

Immediately, Tiffany applied and studied for successive entrance exams to finally be accepted into a Federation Pre-Admission Program on Mars Colony.

Service Record

Service Record - 2391, Entered Starfleet Academy, High Testing Scores, Tactical Law, and Security Stream
- 2391 - 2395, Starfleet Academy, Security Stream
- 2395 Graduated with Honors, #3 In Class

2395 - 2397 - USS CENTROS NCC 18700, Defiant Class Vessel
- Security Officer, Ensign
2397 - 2399 - USS HAWTHORNE NCC 17866, Reliant Class Vessel
- Security Officer, Ensign SG
2399 - Current - USS TOMCAT